World Health Organization (WHO)
(Beginner – Single Delegate)
The WHO’s main objective is to attain the highest level of health to all people. With the mandate to provide health equalities, create a safe world, and serve vulnerable people, WHO involved countries, people, and partners to achieve it. The key work areas of WHO is to create a world free from disease and tackling social circumstances that affect the well-being of humans.
Topic: Enhancing Disease Control Mechanism in Developing Countries
The rapid globalization happening in the world has resulted in the wide spreading of transmissible illnesses or also known as communicable diseases. Communicable diseases are illnesses that spread from one person to another through contaminated surfaces, bodily fluids, blood products, insect bites, sexual intercourse, or through the air. The spread of communicable diseases is a global issue faced by all countries across the world. However, this issue is most vulnerable to developing countries because they still lack health services, access to health care, malnutrition, inadequate supplies and logistics, and poor disease control programmes. Additionally, most of these states fail to eradicate vaccine-preventable diseases, lack sustainable financing, and lack the proper understanding as to how international aid agencies’ funding allocation for communicable disease prevention can be prioritized better.
Noticing that new diseases keep on appearing, better communicable disease control mechanisms, especially in developing countries, should be established. The huge disparity between developed and developing countries’ health resources in overcoming the spreading of communicable diseases should be a global concern the international community can work on. If this problem is never solved, then the aim to reduce inequalities on Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 10 will not be achieved. By that, delegates in WHO are invited to discuss possible mechanisms to foster and enhance better communicable disease control mechanisms, especially in developing countries.