Foreign Affairs on Air #7: Gastrodiplomacy: Internationalizing Indonesia through Food Culture

This episode will be hosted by Shoofi Izzati and Agitha Kezia as Co-Host. We are going to have Mrs. Paramitaningrum, Ph.D., Mr. Agus Trihartono, S.Sos., M.A., Ph.D., and Mr. Fadly Rahman, M.A. as our guest speakers in this podcast.


“The easiest way to win hearts and minds is through the stomach” Yes! Food can be used as a tool to increase the value and standing of our nation’s brand. It can be considered a “tender-minded” type of public diplomacy because it influences people of other countries through emotional connection. As Japan with Sushi, Korea with Kimchi, and Thailand with Tom Yum, Indonesia should promote its food to the world in order to achieve its national interest. However, has Indonesia well-maximized its cuisine expansion abroad to promote its national branding? Find out the answer through this episode!

Idea Session #16: Black Pink Born Pink: Korean Wave, Soft Diplomacy, and Inspiration for Indonesia

Hosted by Syahrial Cahyo, we will be having Keenan Jeremy (Staff of Internal Affairs of FPCI Chapter UI Board of 2023) as the guest speaker in this episode.

The recent BlackPink concert that took place in Indonesia attracted wide public excitement and appreciation. BlackPink successfully held a concert namely “Born Pink” in Jakarta for two days on Saturday and Sunday, 11 to 12 March 2023. BlackPink has succeeded in spreading its influence throughout the world, not only in Indonesia. Evidently, the influence of K-pop culture is extraordinary. The spread of the influence of Korean culture throughout the world is commonly known as the “Korean Wave”.
In this episode of Podcast: Idea Session, Keenan Jeremy will express his opinion about the advance impact of the Korean Wave in Indonesia as a form of soft diplomacy. Furthermore, we will discuss whether Indonesia will utilize its culture in order to achieve all its goals and to promote Indonesian internationalism in a positive way.

Foreign Affairs on Air #6: Youth in Action: The Role of Youth in Sustaining Inclusive Education Development

This episode will be hosted by Melinda Yunita alongside Gita Riama as Co-Host. We are going to have Mr. Muhammad Abdullah Syukuri (Delegate of Indonesia at Y20)  as the guest speaker in this podcast.

Education is the right of every citizen which occupies an important position for the future of children to gain valuable knowledge and experience. Inclusive education gives children the right to get an education with no limitations and obstacles in seeking knowledge. However, the reality says otherwise. Young generations are called to be pioneers in overcoming these issues. Youth 20 (Y20) – a youth forum from all G20 member countries – encourages youth to be able to dialogue with each other regarding global issues. Under the Y20 Indonesia 2022 Communiqué, youths from all over the world commit to tackle the latest global issues which become a common concern, one of which is related to inclusive and quality education.

Idea Session #15: Russia on Food Crisis: Lavrov Walks Out?

Hosted by Rifda Galuh, we will be having Louise Arashel (Staff of Research and Analysis of FPCI Chapter UI Board of 2022) as the guest speaker in this episode.

The global food security is at an even bigger risk now than ever. We have never tackled world hunger and yet food prices are rising dramatically due to the Ukrainian-Russian conflict since the war is causing a disturbance on their export of grain, sunflower seed oil, and corn—which became the main source of production for other countries and its shortages would cause danger to the livelihood of many. 

This urgency was brought up as one of the main agendas in the G20 meeting where frontrunners of the world’s economies hold an annual forum to address important issues concerning the stability of the international economy. This year’s G20 summit will have Indonesia lead as the president with the peak of the event planned for November of 2022. It was said that as this topic was brought up, Russia’s Foreign Minister, Lavrov, walked out twice after being challenged by western leaders. However, local news clarified about how it was only a misunderstanding. Regardless of his true motive, a question should be raised about Russia’s contribution in exacerbating food distribution worldwide.

Idea Session #14: The Real World of Child Labour in Plant Oil Plantation

Hosted by Rifda Galuh, we will be having Althea Karenina (Staff of External Events of FPCI Chapter UI Board of 2022) as the guest speaker in this episode.

As the second-largest producer of palm oil, the export valuation of the industry is estimated to be very influential on Indonesia’ total Gross National Product (GNP). In 2017, the plantation itself, both private and state-owned, occupied around 16 million hectares of Indonesia’s land and absorbed 15 million of workers. However, the transition of a more sustainable industry has brought so much backlash to Indonesia’s plantation system–not only to the natural environment, but also to the life quality of its workers and surroundings. .

However, the prevention and elimination of child labor is a complex effort requiring the involvement of different stakeholders. From the status quo, Indonesia already has so many actions aiming to create a safer and sustainable standard of operation for production companies, such as the continuous awareness promotion and observation from Gabungan Pengusaha Kelapa Sawit Indonesia (GAPKI), UU Ketenagakerjaan, and ISPO (Indonesia Sustainable Palm Oil). 

FPCI UI Time for Nature Podcast: What is Your Carbon Footprint?

Seperti yang kita tahu bahwa Indonesia telah berjanji untuk mengurangi emisinya sebesar 29% dengan usaha sendiri dan sebesar 41% dengan dukungan internasional pada 2030. Indonesia juga menyatakan komitmen untuk mengatasi perubahan iklim dan mencegah kenaikan suhu di bawah 2 derajat Celcius pada rata-rata global atau 1,5 derajat Celcius di atas tingkat pra industri.

Tujuan dilaksanakannya FPCI Chapter UI Campaign: #TimeforNature ini adalah untuk menaikan kesadaran masyarakat indonesia agar peduli terhadap lingkungan sekitar, khususnya para masyarakat muda untuk dapat turut andil dalam aksi melindungi lingkungan. Dalam podcast ini, narasumber  akan memberikan tanggapan terhadap kondisi lingkungan sekitar kita yang mengakibatkan pemanasan global. Sesuai tema podcast kita hari ini, “What is your carbon footprint”, narasumber juga akan membahas seberapa besar kontribusi kita sebagai pemuda dalam menyebabkan pemanasan global.

Foreign Affairs on Air #5: The Dawn of a Cyber Warfare: Analyzing the Surge of Cyberattacks in the Russia-Ukraine Conflict

This episode is hosted by Melinda Yunita from Opportunity and Development Division along with Gita Riama Public Relations Division as Co-Host. We are going to have Ibnu Dwi Cahyo (Cyber Specialist at CISSReC) as the guest speaker in this podcast. 

As Russian military operations continue against Ukraine since February 24, 2022, Ukrainian national security officials are also keeping an eye on different battlefields. Ukrainian Deputy Prime Minister, Mykhailo Fedorov, reported cyberattacks against Ukrainian government websites regulated by Russia. Meanwhile, The Anonymous, an independent hacker group, also carried out cyberattacks against Russia by targeting 1,500 Russian websites. Since it’s happening in an infinite-invisible world, are they actually behind this cyber warfare?

In this episode, we will discuss the surge of cyberattacks that happened throughout global history, especially the latest one in the Russia-Ukraine conflict. Furthermore, we will also discuss the global impact regarding the issue and the speaker’s recommendations towards Indonesian cyber security in countering the threats of cyber warfare.

Idea Session #13: The Pendulum of Anti-feminism Ideology: Will History Repeat Itself?

Hosted by Rifda Galuh, we will be having Azzadina Ikhwan (Vice Manager of Internal Affairs of FPCI Chapter UI Board of 2022) as the guest speaker in this episode.

The South Korean election held in March of 2022 had resulted in Moon Jae-In, the former South Korea’s president, passing the baton of presidency to Yoon Suk-yeol, the Conservative candidate of the People Power Party. Nicknamed ‘the South-Korean Trump’ by both Western and Indonesian media, Yoon had centered his campaign around anti-feminism & anti-China sentiments. Around the world, many are speculating whether his presidency would mark a dark chapter in South Korea’s battle against sexism and gender discrimination.

In this episode of Podcast: Idea Session, Azzadina will express her opinion on whether the election of Yoon Suk-yeol as the president of South Korea has also brought the re-emergence of anti-feminism, creating an endless cycle in our current society. Furthermore, we will also discuss whether female participation in politics is enough to be the beacon of hope in the fight to reach gender equality, and what this turn of event would mean for the women of the world.

Foreign Affairs on Air #4: The Global Fight Against Communicable Disease

This episode will be hosted by Alda Eunique alongside Salma Maysa (Staff of Business Development) as Co-Host. We are going to have Margianta S.J.D, Young Leader Consultant at UNICEF, as the guest speaker in this podcast.

Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs), also known as chronic diseases, are diseases that are of long duration and generally slow progression. NCDs are a result of genetic, psychological, environmental, and behavioral factors combined. The impact of NCDs in populations extends beyond ill-health and mortality with large multidimensional consequences. Moreover, NCDs prevention and control are highly essential due to the socioeconomic consequences associated with these diseases. To tackle this issue, a strong collaboration between multilateral actors is highly crucial to ensure the support to strengthen NCDs-related services, policies, plans, and programs.

In this episode of FPCI Chapter UI Podcast: Foreign Affairs On Air, we are going to discuss the global fight against NCDs. Among others, we are going to discuss the cause and effects of NCDs, the role of global task forces to alleviate the prevention and control to combat this issue, and how NCDs are a vital cause that requires attention from multiple layers of society worldwide.

Idea Session #12: Art (Not) for the Sake of Art: Assessing the Relevance of Art Activism in Advocating Societal Transformation​

Hosted by Anissa Sherly alongside Raynathan Christopher (Protégé of FPCI Chapter UI 2021), we will have Lathifah Nurul Jannah (Staff of External Event Division) as the guest speaker in this episode.

Ever since the Taliban takes over Afghanistan’s government after the clock strikes for the USA’s departure from the nation, the grim of the situation and Afghanistan’s people reactions to the uncertain future were reflected all over the social media’s digital art—also found in numerous conventional art mediums—calling the international community’s help in alleviating the burdens of the citizens and the displaced Afghans. Throughout several humanitarian crises, public disdain on the incumbent authorities, the rise of nationalism, decolonization period, protests of marginalized groups, and other historical events in the 20th century, all over the world, different forms of artworks were brought by art activists and protest artists as an effort to include more masses to fight for a cause.

In this episode of Idea Session, we’ll be discussing how art activism continuously emerges amidst the masses’ demands for society’s transformation, from the early 20th century, up to the digital age’s online social movements. Furthermore, we’ll also analyze the theories on how art activism is expected to thrive, and in which manner its effectivity shall be measured.