The International Conference of FPCI Chapter UI Model United Nations 2022
#EnsuringInclusivityReducingInequality | October 7 - 9, 2022
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Greetings Delegates, Chairpersons, and Distinguished Guests.


My name is Raynathan Christopher, an undergraduate International Relations student batch 2021 in Universitas Indonesia, also the Secretary-General of FPCI UI MUN 2022. On behalf of the Secretariat and the Organizing Committee, it is my distinct pleasure and honour to invite you to the 3rd edition of The International Conference of Foreign Policy Community Indonesia Chapter Universitas Indonesia Model United Nations.


FPCI UI MUN was first established in 2020 and since then, we have acquired 100+ delegates annually. This year, we are focusing on our grand theme “World For Everyone: A Global Solidarity Against Inequality” to emphasize inequality as the most pressing issue globally. In line with our grand theme, FPCI UI MUN 2022 introduces 3 councils, each specializing on inequality in economy, health, and environment. We have carefully planned to bring to you an international-scale conference with outstanding substance, exceptional hospitality, and affordable price.


To ensure accessibility for all delegates in any part of the world, our main conference will be held online, on October 7th – 9th, 2022. Furthermore, FPCI UI MUN 2022 has also crafted a series of pre-events to prepare the delegates to excel in MUN and in life, which will be held on September 17th, 2022.


See you in FPCI UI MUN 2022!


Best Regards,

Raynathan Christopher

Secretary-General FPCI UI MUN 2022


Join us to create a world for everyone.


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