CORE #4: Navigating China’s Economic Meltdown: The End of The 40-year Boom?

Written by Neihan Kalila (FPCI Chapter Airlangga) and Stefanie Gloria (FPCI Chapter UI) What This Is All About After its 40-year steady growth, China is currently climbing the global economic ladder as the world’s second strongest power. Averaging 9.5% Gross Domestic Product (GDP) growth through 2018, the World Bank described China as “the fastest sustained …

CORE #4: Navigating China’s Economic Meltdown: The End of The 40-year Boom? Read More »

CORE #3: Beyond the Mercenaries: Russia’s Wagner Group and the Shifting Sands of African Conflicts

Written by Bimo Bagaskara Indiputera and Inayah Keydiza(Research and Analysis Division FPCI Chapter UI and FPCI Universitas Airlangga Board of 2023) The world is caught in limbo regarding the fate of the Wagner Group, a Russian mercenary group with over 5,000 soldiers stationed across conflict-stricken countries in Africa like the Central African Republic (CAR), Libya, …

CORE #3: Beyond the Mercenaries: Russia’s Wagner Group and the Shifting Sands of African Conflicts Read More »

CORE #2: Peluncuran Indo-Pacific Economic Framework dan Potensi Pengembangan Ekonomi Indonesia

Ditulis oleh Stephanie Dinda Iskandar (Research and Analysis FPCI Chapter UI Board of 2022) dan Muhammad Nailul Fathul Wafiq (Research and Analysis FPCI Chapter UII Board of 2022) Diplomasi Indonesia di kawasan Indo-Pasifik Dalam dekade terakhir pembahasan Indo-Pasifik menjadi sebuah topik yang hangat untuk dibicarakan. Didasari dari letak geografis yang strategis dan memiliki peluang ekonomi …

CORE #2: Peluncuran Indo-Pacific Economic Framework dan Potensi Pengembangan Ekonomi Indonesia Read More »

CORE #1: Pencegahan Kejahatan Terorganisasi Transnasional di Asia Tenggara dan Kepemimpinan ASEAN 2023

Ditulis oleh Sasi Andhika Sabilillah (Research and Analysis FPCI Chapter UI Board of 2022) dan Sekar Arifia Prastiwi (Research and Analysis FPCI Chapter UII Board of 2022) Sejak pendiriannya lebih dari setengah abad lalu, ASEAN masih terus berkembang menjadi organisasi yang besar hingga mampu menggerakkan sendi-sendi kehidupan masyarakat Asia Tenggara. Berbagai pasang surut telah dialami …

CORE #1: Pencegahan Kejahatan Terorganisasi Transnasional di Asia Tenggara dan Kepemimpinan ASEAN 2023 Read More »