
Outlook is a short popular article publication by FPCI Chapter UI, providing analytical insights and opinions on recent foreign policy-related issues.


Diplomatic Review is a peer-reviewed research paper publication by FPCI Chapter UI, providing theoretical understandings on various foreign policy topics.


CORE (Collaborative Research) is a popular article publication jointly published by FPCI Chapter UI and our external partner organizations to offer diverse perspectives.


2nd September 2024
Outlook #2: Economical Bonds and Political Barriers: Indonesia's Israel Dichotomy
17th June 2024
Outlook #1: The Hazardous Human Rights Violation of Hazara Women in Afghanistan
2nd February 2024
Outlook #7: Green Investment: Balancing Economic Growth and Environmental Protection​
14th December 2023
Outlook #6: Plastic's Travel: How Waste Flows Across Borders​

Diplomatic Review

2nd August 2022
Diplomatic Review #3: The China-Taiwan Tensions: The Once Long-Reigning Dragon Split in Two​
25th May 2022
Diplomatic Review #2: Cryptocurrency 101: Elucidating Its Rising Fame and Navigating Tactics on Respective Challenges​
24th March 2022
Diplomatic Review #1: Analyzing the Impact of Climate Change on Global Geopolitics, Various Nations Strategies and Shaping Indonesia's Climate Policy​


27th January 2024
CORE #4: Navigating China’s Economic Meltdown: The End of The 40-year Boom?​
27th January 2024
CORE #3: Beyond the Mercenaries: Russia’s Wagner Group and the Shifting Sands of African Conflicts​
24th August 2022
CORE #2: Peluncuran Indo-Pacific Economic Framework dan Potensi Pengembangan Ekonomi Indonesia
24th August 2022
CORE #1: Pencegahan Kejahatan Terorganisasi Transnasional di Asia Tenggara dan Kepemimpinan ASEAN 2023
All Publications